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Case Studies

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Title Content Time (Days) Software Used Functions

Report Formatting Tool

(SB PG 2006)

Creation of a Word Template with custom toolbar and menus to create engineers reports. A user with little knowledge of Word could then use our data entry form, and simplified Word formatting options to create standardised technical reports.

Previously engineers who wanted to write a report, had to copy an existing report and change the names, or copy over the styles and page formatting from one document to another. This process was prone to error.

The new document featured a form with 13 data entry fields, three of which presented drop down boxes containing the list of allowed entries. Users could select which level of confidentiality the document was, which then automatically filled in the appropriate legal statement and contact details.

To find out how we could make a project like this help your business, call +44 (0)1949 21 21 21

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