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Case Studies

Here is an overview of many of our past development solutions - large and small!

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Title Content Time (Days) Software Used Functions

Online Factory Performance Tool

(SB ULPS 2010-2013)

Excel front end used by 200 factories to submit detailed performance analysis online, capturing 300,000 data points annually, which are then collated and reported centrally.

Project featured multi-tier security, users were presented with a pre-selected list of questionnaires, with numeric and text input. Answers were validated and scored locally. Responses could then be stored on local database, or uploaded to central database. The admin level reporting suite then allowed downloading raw data filtered by arbitrary criteria, which could then be outputted in a variety of formats, including Excel.

To find out how we could make a project like this help your business, call +44 (0)1949 21 21 21

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Excel, Oracle


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